Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Where is the money?

A couple weeks ago we looked at the percentage of missionaries working among unreached people groups.  Today we'll look at one of the reasons I believe that number is so low.  One of the primary reasons missionaries leave the field is lack of finances.  This is also a big reason why others never make it there.  With this in mind, let's take a look at some stats* related to giving and the unreached.
  • Total annual income of worldwide church members - $30.5 Trillion
  • Amount given towards missions - 0.1% ($31 Billion)
  • Amount given towards work among unreached people - 0.01% ($310 Million or 1% of all missions giving)
  • This is the same amount ($310 million) that, in 2011, Americans spent on Halloween costumes for their pets!  
A simpler way to look at the $310 million is that for every $100,000 Christians earn, one dollar goes towards reaching the unreached.  Percentage wise, each dollar Christians give has the same odds of reaching the unreached as an individual has of dying from a bee sting or being injured, as an adult, by a pogo stick.   

Let's end with a quick look at the financial feasibility of reaching the unreached. For this we'll look solely at evangelical Christians.  Evangelical Christians annual income is approximately $6.72 Trillion.  If these Christians gave 0.03% of their income towards work among unreached people there would, hypothetically, be enough money to plant a church in every remaining unreached people group.  Experts say the church has three thousand times the resources needed to complete the Great Commission at it's disposal.  I bring these stats up not to invoke a sense of guilt, but rather to make people aware of the disparity that exists in Christendom in regards to supporting work among least reached peoples.

*stats taken from the Traveling Team's website

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