Monday, June 30, 2014

World's Toughest Languages

Below is a fascinating infographic I came across dealing with language learning.  To me, language acquisition is one of the biggest parts of preparing to work cross-culturally, as communicating truth in the "mother tongue" is so much more effective.  These findings match up pretty well with what I've heard/experienced. I have heard that Indonesian is one of the easier languages to learn as most people are proficient within 6-9 months.  In my opinion Tibetan languages should be added to the hardest list.  There is an alphabet so you can read it quickly, but the grammar is very different, it is written and spoken differently, and there are endless dialects which vary greatly from each other.

Info graphic from Voxy


  1. There is no way a diligent person could become fluent in Thai with merely 44 weeks, 1,110 class hours. Most teachers agree that it is similar in complexity to Mandarin Chinese. To learn Thai with basic competency takes 3-7 years, and to become truly fluent usually takes at least 10 years.

  2. I agree Sean, that one surprised me quite a bit

  3. They also didn't include what their definition of "proficient" is
