"I came into my SOFM with little expectation for gained knowledge or growth, because I thought I knew enough about long-term work. After my first week in the school with Brian Hogan, I gained more insight that I thought I would the entire three months. The school helped me to think more strategically, without forgetting God's mandate for missions from Genesis to Revelation. This mandate that flows seamlessly from the old to new testament encouraged me to seek out more of God's heart for the unreached, more of His character, and more of my part in his will. After three months, I exited with more passion, more drive, and more determination to go and tell the world. I have been on the field now for only a month, but I am seeing teachings and information I thought to be irrelevant during the school come to life and they have proven to be extremely important. I have already found myself digging through old notes and searching for language materials. To me, it has affirmed that the teachings are applicable and the resources are useful."
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