Monday, April 7, 2014

Reviewing the SOFM: Week 5

Earlier in the SOFM we had taken a look at cross-cultural insights to give the students a surface level look at anthropology and ethnography (the hands-on research of a culture).  This week we dug into the importance of not only ethnography, but also doing research on the location each student feels led to work in.

The idea behind doing research is to better understand the worldview and mindset of the people you're trying to reach.  While things may appear very clear on the surface, it is often the things far beneath the surface that cause the most difficulties, sort of like an iceberg. For example, you might be working in a SE Asian country that is predominantly Muslim.  What you don't see is that the country has been, at various points in it's history, predominantly Hindu and Animistic .  These things, while seeming like ancient history, have actually played a large role and continue to define and influence people's worldview. Without taking the time to dig into a culture and it's history it's impossible to develop a clear picture of their worldview, which makes it difficult to clearly communicate the gospel.

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