Today I'd like to share something with you that Cole, one of our students, wrote about his SOFM experience. I like being able to share things from different angles, and not just my own so hopefully we'll get in a few more of these as well.
"The SOFM experience was more than I ever could have hoped. Teachings about culture stress and language acquisition, though engaging and very practical, were just the tip of the iceberg. The SOFM really forced me to look introspectively into my life regarding how a ‘normal’ Christian life should be fleshed out. Fundamentals of my Christian faith were challenged and looked at very objectively, guiding me to make my own conclusions based on sound biblical doctrine. What sticks with me the most about the SOFM is how the school approaches the Gospel. The Gospel, the most powerful, life changing story in history, can easily be put on the backburner of my brain, and brushed off as ‘Elementary Christianese’, however the SOFM challenged both my knowledge and understanding of the Gospel, really stripping away non-vitals and getting to the heart of the Gospel message. This was an extremely powerful experience for me, rediscovering the power of the Gospel at work in my life and firing me up to share it with those who have never heard."